The right Orientation

SIM is an organisation of very different people, from very different backgrounds, coming to do all sorts of different things in order to make Christ known in communities where he is least known. 

So how do we help train and prepare our new workers to serve so cross-culturally?

Our five-day Orientation programme introduces all our people, mission workers and staff alike to some important areas they need to keep learning and growing in, as they start serving with SIM. 

It’s not just adults though – children have their own programme, which is lots of fun, but also helps them start to think about what their family will be doing and how God is with them in that.

“We want those we are sending to have their expectations of mission grounded in God’s Word, connected to SIM’s vision and people, and reflecting the realities of mission life.”

Deborah Agnes, UK Ministry and Personnel Director
During 2020, we moved our Orientations online

From the hundreds who have been through Orientation in the past five years, many talk about attitudes that orientation has helped to change or challenge, uncertainties it lays to rest, and tools they feel able to take away with them. 

All are encouraged by coming together with like-minded people, taking a similar step of faith, and learning lots from each other. 

From child safety training, workshops on cross-cultural communication and risk theology, and advice on how to raise a faithful team of prayer supporters, our team of presenters share their expertise and experience, so that each new worker is prepared for living in a very different context.

We hope they go away ready to be life-long learners; gaining the skills they need to be effective cross-culturally, humbly seeking to serve and love the church and be faithful witnesses to Christ.

To find out more about serving in mission, explore some of the ministries available or send us an application form.

This was posted on 5 March 2021 in Ministry stories and Resources and Training and equipping.
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