Tag: Prayer

Here are all the news posts tagged "Prayer":

Praying with the Afghan church

2 September 2021

As updates on the situation in Afghanistan continue coming in, it could be all too easy to despair or give up hope.

Kabul by Sohaib Ghyasi Read more about Praying with the Afghan church

God is at work

23 March 2021

VIDEO: Join us in 12 months of pandemic praise. No boundary, quarantine or confinement can stop the work of God’s hands.

Global work Read more about God is at work

The power of a child’s prayer

12 August 2020

In the Bible, Josiah was made king at the age of eight and his faith in the Lord had a transformative influence on the nation…

Read more about The power of a child’s prayer

United in prayer – at a distance

21 July 2020

‘People of prayer’ and ‘Dependent on God’ are two of SIM’s core values and we are thankful for local churches who are pivotal partners for…

Read more about United in prayer – at a distance

Spreading gospel hope

27 June 2020

SIM UK director Steve Smith reflects on the challenge of the COVID-19 crisis to our mission through the lens of how the gospel first came…

Read more about Spreading gospel hope

Bringing Good News to hard places

23 June 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic is placing enormous stress on SIM workers and ministries around the world, especially in the areas of health care and education. By prayer,…

Read more about Bringing Good News to hard places

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