Tag: Community health

Here are all the news posts tagged "Community health":

God’s unfailing love for the dying

20 February 2024

Read about a palliative care team that gives hope in Christ to the terminally-ill in Angola.

Medic Read more about God’s unfailing love for the dying

Three projects get one home

6 November 2023

In 2019, SIM launched a building project to help create disciples in a country where Christians are in the minority. Give thanks that it’s now come to fruition.

Read more about Three projects get one home

The gospel drop by drop

16 August 2023

Lizzie White’s water hygiene ministry is opening a door for the gospel in some of the least-reached communities of the Peruvian Andes.

Read more about The gospel drop by drop

Gospel refuge for Ethiopia’s hidden children

27 April 2023

‘This is no ordinary house; it’s a house with a purpose; where children are offered hope, encouragement and, perhaps most important of all, love.’

Read more about Gospel refuge for Ethiopia’s hidden children

Come back next month…

12 April 2023

When the answers we seek don’t come quickly it can be tempting to give up. A woman’s decision to keep coming back to SIM’s Doro Clinic reminds us of the importance of faith.

Read more about Come back next month…

The dress

6 March 2023

The Good News Hospital in Mandritsara offers free treatment to cure a condition that causes women to be shunned by their community. Here they are given a new life physically, but also a new eternal life, symbolised by the parting gift of a new dress…

Read more about The dress

Back on the ward after 25 years

14 June 2022

A semi-retired doctor recalls the highs and lows of her two short-term medical missions in West Africa.

Read more about Back on the ward after 25 years

Home is where the heart is for Anaïs

25 May 2022

Anaïs encounters people with amazing, yet heart-breaking stories in her ministry, but tries to see God at work in each and every one.

Read more about Home is where the heart is for Anaïs

Seeing is believing

28 April 2022

A week spent helping a team of eye doctors helped put mission into focus for one SIM UK couple serving in southern Ecuador.

Read more about Seeing is believing

Flying hope and healing with SIMAIR

21 January 2022

Across West Africa, SIMAIR serves remote communities with medicines, safe transport and the gospel message.

SIMAIR and Cessna 210 Read more about Flying hope and healing with SIMAIR

New year, new beginnings

11 January 2022

For SIM UK member Ted Watts, there was one major item in his diary for the beginning of a new year: “Start PAACS”. Ted is…

Read more about New year, new beginnings

Preparing for lift-off

6 May 2021

Covid-19 might have seemed like a major roadblock to her plans, but new mission worker Kara never stopped trusting in God’s perfect timing.

Read more about Preparing for lift-off

Holistic health care

20 April 2021

Read how SIM is helping empower women in rural east Africa as workers share the gospel with a least-reached community, alongside compassionate healthcare.

Read more about Holistic health care

Surgery training moves one step closer

13 April 2021

SIM UK surgeon Ted Watts gives an update on exciting plans to ensure mission-centred medical ministry continues in Madagascar.

Read more about Surgery training moves one step closer

Your gifts of love

19 November 2020

Your generous donations helped SIM come to the rescue of two rural hospitals in southern Africa during COVID-19.

Chikwakwa clinic in Zimbabwe with Covid 19 PPE Read more about Your gifts of love

Life-saving supplies help fight the virus

3 November 2020

Read how donations from supporters helped Serving In Mission protect the people of Egbe, Nigeria.

Read more about Life-saving supplies help fight the virus

‘How I coped during COVID-19

1 October 2020

During her four-and-a-half years in Madagascar, teacher Naomi Coleman has experienced surprise school closures, random food shortages, temporary ‘don’t go out’ rules, nearby epidemics and…

Read more about ‘How I coped during COVID-19

A beacon of hope for the future

24 September 2020

Read about The Good News Hospital in Madagascar’s exciting new vision to train Malagasy surgeons and secure its future.

Read more about A beacon of hope for the future

Partner with SIM in its urgent response to COVID-19

28 July 2020

Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world, with nearly 15 million confirmed cases in 188 countries and more than 600,000 deaths. Now health experts…

Read more about Partner with SIM in its urgent response to COVID-19

Rainbow in the clouds

2 July 2020

Doctors Ted and Rachel Watts, along with their two young sons, are living in Mandritsara in northern Madagascar and serving with SIM UK at the…

Read more about Rainbow in the clouds

Art with a gospel impact

26 June 2020

Loving your neighbour is one way to fulfil the Great Commission, but sometimes this involves stepping outside your comfort zone, says Justin Agnes, who served…

Read more about Art with a gospel impact

A channel for God’s love

6 June 2020

Caring for those who are suffering is a unique opportunity to share the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.

Read more about A channel for God’s love

Battling COVID-19 in Liberia: ‘Jesus is our ever-present help’

19 May 2020

SIM UK’s Dr Mikey Bryant, who is serving at the ELWA Hospital in Liberia, says God is his refuge and strength during the current coronavirus…

ELWA hospital grounds, with a sign saying PPE must be worn Read more about Battling COVID-19 in Liberia: ‘Jesus is our ever-present help’

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