SIMpray Kids Fun Facts – Nigeria

English is the official language in Nigeria, but unlike the UK, more than 500 languages are spoken in the country. Hausa is the most widely spoken and understood language.

Image by SIM ministry, Sports Friends

Football is the national sport. The national team, the ‘Super Eagles’, won the football gold medal at the 1996 Olympics, making Nigeria the first African country to win a gold medal for football in the Olympics.

Roughly 70 percent of people in Nigeria work in the agriculture. Farmers sell their produce on street markets.

Image by Sheyi Owolabi

One of the crops grown in Nigeria is rice. This is one of our TCKs favourite foods. Click here for a traditional recipe for Nigerian jollof rice.

Nollywood is the nickname for the Nigerian Movie Industry, and it’s even bigger than Hollywood. It is estimated to be second in the world, only to Bollywood in India. About 200 movies are produced every week.

The only place in the world that you can see the endangered white-throated monkey in the wild is Nigeria. 

One of our TCKs says: “In some places in Nigeria, there are no Christians and being a Christian can be hard. Sometimes, people who become Christians are rejected by their families or their villages. In the north of Nigeria, there are people who make the lives of Christians really hard, forcing them out of their homes and threatening their lives.”

Nigeria is not the only place that it can be hard to be a Christian. Our friends at Open Doors have lots of resources that can help you find out more. Click here for some colouring sheets that will help you pray for the persecuted church around the world.

Example of Open Doors colouring sheet

This page was created as part of our SIMpray Kids monthly prayer email. If you would like to pray regularly with our mission families serving around the world, please click here.