SIMpray Kids fun facts – Kenya

When you think of Kenya, you’re unlikely to think of snow, and yet this picture of Mount Kenya proves that snow is found here!

Image by Bonface

This picture taken in one of Kenya’s 50 national parks is a much more ‘typical’ image. In the national parks, wildlife is protected against hunters and poachers. 

Image by Sutirta Budiman

Kenya is home to animals known as ‘the big five.’ Can you guess what they are before scrolling down?

Kenya is also home to 1,105 species of bird, eight of which can only be found in Kenya. This beautiful lilac breasted roller is Kenya’s national bird.

Image by Laya Clode

Why not make a bird kite with our friends at AIM to help you remember to pray for Kenya? You could write prayer points on the wings!

This is a picture of one of the most valuable things grown in Kenya. Can you guess what it is?

Image by Rodrigo Flores

Coffee beans! Coffee is so valuable to the Kenyan people that few of them drink it, they drink tea instead and sell the coffee to other countries.

TCK, Zaleyna’s favourite Kenyan food is Ugali (a type of stiff maize flour porridge). She loves it when their house-help makes it. Ugali is normally served with stews, meats, and vegetables, but Zalenyna loves the crusty part that forms at the bottom of the pot which she calls Ugali crackers.

Image by H Holmes

Music and storytelling are important in Kenya. For many years, tribes throughout the country have used songs, stories and poems to pass on their beliefs, history, and ways of doing things.

Image by Ian Macharia

Zaydin and Zaleyna’s father uses photography and videography to tell the stories of God at work in Kenya, he also uses his camera to take pictures of local people, to open up conversations, to share the story of Jesus with them.

Jesus was the ultimate storyteller. In the Bible we can read some of the stories that Jesus told called parables.

Watch this video by Saddleback Kids on the parable of the lost coin (Luke 15:8-10).

Give thanks to God that when just one person comes to know him, the angels in heaven celebrate and rejoice.

Zaydin and Zaleyna and their family are living in Kenya, sharing the good news of Jesus with people in order that they might come to know him.

There are still 3.29 billion people in the world who have never heard the name of Jesus.

Pray that more people would be willing to take the story of Jesus to the people that have not yet heard it.

Why not pray and ask God who he’d like you to share Jesus with?

This page was created as part of our SIMpray Kids monthly prayer email. If you would like to pray regularly with our mission families serving around the world, please click here.