
We love equipping churches, Bible study groups and families with resources they can use to pray and support world mission. Do have a browse! If there is something missing, or you are looking for something specific, let us know.

Sign up for RESOURCED! each quarter here – tools and ideas to help your church grow in cross-cultural ministry.

For kids and families

We love helping families learn and pray together about how God uses us for his Big Plan!

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Videos highlighting ministries, prayers for countries and specific projects – share with your church or groups.

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Pray for the World

Use our country powerpoints in church services or meetings to guide your prayers

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Bible studies

Download our free Bible studies in Luke’s gospel – Mission Matters.

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Find out how you can pray for SIM, for our mission workers and for the places they work.

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Set up an international café

“Teaching English may well be the 21st Century’s most promising way to take the gospel to the world.”

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UK Intercultural Mission Research

How are UK churches engaging interculturally in their communities? Read our research in Leeds and Manchester.

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Recorded talks

Listen to recording of talks at churches – or book a speaker!

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