Seeking to break the Circle of Silence

The Circle of Silence is a mostly mountainous area in Central Mexico, where more than 23 million people live in rural towns and villages with almost no gospel witness – the highest concentration of unreached people in Spanish-speaking Latin America.

Eight states form the Circle of Silence where there are many issues, ranging from corruption, pagan rituals and drug and alcohol addiction; to unemployment, broken families and human trafficking.

The ministry of Donald and Becky Kamese, pictured with their sons, is to teach local pastors and help others plant churches in a vastly unreached region of Mexico

It’s here that Donald and Becky Kamese have a vision to help plant Christ-centred churches and help train pastors so that the Circle of Silence will turn into the ‘circle of proclamation’ for the gospel.

“Our goal is to see this area transformed through the gospel and bring a positive change in under-privileged communities,” says Donald.

“Only one in ten church ministers in Mexico have any Bible training, so our focus is on training them to faithfully teach the Scriptures and mentoring them as they go out and take the gospel to the unreached areas,” he adds.

The couple, who have three young children, are sent by Christ Church at All Saints, Wandsworth.

In 2021, they established a two-year Bible training course called Predica Vida (Preach Life) on a ranch and the first cohort of more than 20 students graduated this year – many of whom are ministering in the Circle of Silence.

“We’re now planning the next course, due to start in January 2024 and spend time visiting churches to build or strengthen relationships with pastors and promote the course,” says Donald.

Alongside the weekly course, the couple also hold workshops in churches and run an English language school, which is also growing steadily.

Donald is now working hard visiting local schools to promote the classes and build relationships with the headteachers.

“We’re grateful to God that the school opens opportunities in the community and lead to opportunities to share the gospel,” he adds.

“Our prayer is that we’ll continue to be faithful in the ministries that he gives us the privilege of being involved in.”

By Kerry Allan

Watch a video about the Kameses’ work in the Circle of Silence


  • That Predica Vida students will be rooted in God’s Word as they reach out to those around them.
  • For mission workers as they visit churches to build and strengthen relationships and promote the 2024 course.
  • For new Bible studies to open in the least-reached towns of the Circle of Silence.

This was posted on 24 October 2023 in Mexico and Ministry stories and Training and equipping.

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