
  • 10 July 2023

    Pray for a summer school

    JETS (The ECWA Theological Seminary in Jos, Nigeria) holds a summer school during June and July. Pray students and lecturers would make good use of the compact schedule to prepare well for Christian service. Pray for Donald teaching July 10-21.

  • 11 July 2023

    Pray for the Lord’s provision

    Thank you for praying for a small team, serving in an area where there are very few Christians and much resistance. The Lord has provided safe accommodation for part of the team. Pray on for those still searching.

  • 13 July 2023

    Pray for the SIM UK mobilisers

    The SIM UK mobilisation team has a busy summer ahead as members attend events, including Bible weeks and youth events. Pray their preparations and conversations will be fruitful in helping people see their place in global mission.

Pray for our workers

Serving In Mission UK have workers in almost 30 countries around the world, each sharing the gospel in different ways. Perhaps you know a few of them, or you want to find out more, but each has some information and some prayer points and you can sign up to get their prayer news too.

  • Linda Hunt

    Linda is the prayer coordinator for SIM UK.

  • Jonny Beggs

    Jonny is Head of Communications and Engagement at SIM UK.

  • Kerry Allan

    Kerry is our Writer and Editor at SIM UK.

How you can pray with us

Our Prayer Team

One of the main focuses of our Communications Team is to help facilitate and encourage prayer. Linda is our Prayer Coordinator, Kerry is our Editor and Hannah is our Engagement Officer. Please contact them if you would like to find out more about praying with Serving In Mission.


