
Our Equip programme does what it says – it equips you for cross-cultural service.

The programme, usually for two years, will find you an overseas placement among a cultural community which you are trying to share the gospel with in the UK. The assignment has a specific focus on language learning and culture, and the purpose is to develop skills that then allows you to carry out more effective ministry either in the same place, back in your sending country, or with another team somewhere else.

We have already sent workers to Asian countries, where they are learning the language and culture. When they return to the UK, they are much better equipped to share the gospel with communities of the same culture now living here.

The programme has worked well with churches in inner city areas, especially in East London and in Birmingham, where there are large migrant communities who have never heard of Jesus. Those churches have been trying to find ways to share the gospel with those communities and Equip has provided an innovative and powerful solution.

If you’d like to know more about how you or your church could get involved with Equip, please fill in our enquiry form and one of our regional mobilisers will be in touch.

Opportunities available now through the "Equip" pathway

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