Partner with SIM in its urgent response to COVID-19

Coronavirus is continuing its spread across the world, with nearly 15 million confirmed cases in 188 countries and more than 600,000 deaths.

Now health experts are warning that in most of the world, the virus is not under control and countries with fragile health systems and a lack of critical medical supplies and equipment are at extreme risk if largescale outbreaks occur.

While prayer is our greatest need in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic, many of SIM’s medical workers remain on the frontlines, motivated by the love of Jesus.

In response, Serving In Mission is raising vital funds to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) and other basic supplies to a number of its medical ministry hospitals and partners in Africa, South Asia and South America, so they can effectively care for patients.

Donations to the COVID-19 Health Ministry Immediate Response project will be used to help health ministries receive immediate assistance so they can continue their crucial tasks as they serve on the frontline in countries with less advanced health care systems.

The range of ministries include essential medical and dental care; general surgery; community health care; care for people living with HIV and AIDs and laboratory and X-ray services.

The relief fund will provide critical medical supplies and equipment needed to treat COVID-19 including  help to cover the cost of paying medical staff during this time and provide emergency supplies, such as food and hygiene items, to local communities.

You can find out more about the how the COVID-19 project fund has helped and click here for updated prayer points.

By Kerry Allan

Please pray

  • For the sick to have access to the care and treatment they need.
  • The Lord to give strength and endurance to SIM medical staff and support teams extending Christ’s love to the vulnerable.
  • For the fund to continue helping SIM ministries in countries with few resources and fragile health systems deal with COVID-19.

This was posted on 28 July 2020 in Ministry stories.
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