Sports Friends

Sports Friends is a ministry of Serving In Mission. Their vision is to see a global movement of churches using sport to make disciples of Jesus Christ. 

They do this by equipping churches and church planters to use sport as a tool for building relationships, proclaiming the gospel, and making disciples. Their approach hinges on training and mentoring volunteer coaches from the local church in how to develop sports ministry teams. These sports ministry initiatives take many different forms around the world, but all of them have the same goal: to see young people and their families discipled into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

Camps, tournaments, and leagues are also key elements in the overall Sports Friends ministry and a natural complement to team-based ministry. We need workers who can assist the sports and coaching side of Sports Friends (especially in football, volleyball and basketball) and people to help with the sustainable operations – in finance, administration and communication.

There are Sports Friends ministries in Senegal, Thailand, Nigeria, Peru, Ghana, Ecuador, Bolivia, Malawi, Kenya and the US.

Visit the Sports Friends blog ( to read how God is using something as simple as a ball to transform lives!

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