Serving the community and the outcasts

We are looking for long-term workers who commit themselves to language and culture learning.

Through encouraging local believers, participating actively in churches and sharing faith with neighbours, we live out faith in communities across this region where Jesus Christ is least known.

Workers are needed to help people who are disabled, addicted to substances or alcohol or who are in financial difficulties. They are often socially excluded in this society and culture. Jesus came to call the lost and love the least; we seek to share this love and hope with them.

Ministry opportunities exist in art therapy, prison ministry, medical ministry, teaching, social work and helping orphans and those who are disabled.

There are opportunities to work on this ministry through the "Send" pathway.

Click below to find out more about the pathway.


Long-term placements for pioneering mission workers to share the Gospel
  • Over 2 years
  • Overseas
Find out more about Send