God’s leading: Our Strategic Review

In September of 2020, I took on the role of Strategic Review Associate, meaning I would be helping SIM UK’s leadership team as it undertook a strategic review to discern and guide the organisation’s future direction.

Given that I had only joined SIM six months previously, I was unclear of what such a process would look like. Now, ten months later, I am in awe of God as I look back on how he’s led us through this review.

Ella McCorquodale, Strategic Review Associate

The first stage was listening as I helped coordinate Zoom calls with many of our key stakeholders and created surveys so that we could hear what our workers, staff, supporters, churches, and wider networks most care about.

It was an honour to get to listen in on these conversations and to glimpse the passion that the SIM UK family has for effectively reaching those communities where Christ is least known. It was a careful process to distil down all we had heard and pull out the key themes that would guide the next stage.

Then it was time for the leadership to weigh up all the ideas placed before us and prayerfully discuss which to focus on for this next season.

Throughout the discussions, I felt particularly called to ensure that wider inclusivity and diversity – two of the goals of the strategic review – remained at the centre of the team’s decisions.

It was a real joy to see how SIM’s leadership thoughtfully discussed, graciously disagreed, and pursued God’s will throughout this stage.

I feel grateful for the journey God has led us on throughout the strategic review so far, and for the areas of growth he has highlighted. As we look to the future, I am hopeful for the positive, kingdom-focused ways SIM UK will continue to develop.

By Ella McCorquodale

Ella will be moving to Texas, USA, to begin her Masters in Social Policy Evaluation at Rice University. From there, she hopes to go on to shape the way corporations’ supply chains operate, in order to stop forced labour taking place.

Please pray

  • Give thanks for Ella’s faithful service as a Missions Assistant with SIM UK.
  • Pray for wisdom for SIM UK’s board and the Director’s Leadership Team as it moves forward with its Strategic Review.
  • Pray the decisions reached will honour God and equip SIM’s people in their call to make Christ known in communities where he is least known.

This was posted on 8 July 2021 in Research.

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