
We work hand-in-hand with evangelical churches, to send, support and receive gospel workers equipped to make disciples of Jesus, where people live and die without hearing the good news of Jesus.

Over 350 churches from the UK send workers overseas through us, and a growing number are now also receiving missionaries from overseas to help them reach out to their local communities.

What is SIM about?

To learn more about what inspires Serving In Mission, watch our video below:

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Vimeo video

Equip – send – support

We thank God for our gospel partnerships with churches in over 70 countries across the world.

We want to equip churches for cross-cultural mission. To find out how we can work with you to develop resources and tools to train your members for mission, email [email protected].

SIM sends and receives workers on five key programmes, covering everything from short-term trips or medical electives to long-term ministry. Our Engage programme brings overseas workers into UK churches, to share the gospel with cross-cultural communities living in Britain. Our Equip programme prepares UK workers for local cross-cultural ministry by sending them overseas to learn the language and culture of the cross-cultural community they wish to serve. We provide internships through Immerse, assist those serving long-term in the field through Send and send workers or church teams (including medical electives or Bible college placements) from 2 months to 2 years through Explore.

We also produce a wide range of resources for churches and groups, supporting you as you send workers overseas or serve your local community. Click here to head to our resources section, or contact us to request a speaker for your church, or a visit from a mission worker.

We would love your church to be part of our vision to see more people reached.

What do we believe?

Read our mission, vision and values, and our statement of faith, or give us a call!