Vision and values

Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news, we believe that he has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known.

Our vision

A world with a witness to Christ’s love where He is least known, disciples of Jesus expressing God’s love in their communities, and Christ-centred churches among all peoples.

To do this, we work hand-in-hand with evangelical churches to:

  • Send and receive gospel workers
  • Equip people for cross-cultural mission
  • Make disciples for Christ where he is least known
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We bring the good news to communities where Jesus Christ is least known

Our mission

Compelled by God’s great love and empowered by the Holy Spirit:

  • We cross barriers to proclaim the crucified and risen Christ, expressing his love and compassion among those who live and die without him
  • We make disciples who will trust and obey Jesus, and become part of Christ-centred churches
  • We work together with churches to fulfil God’s mission across cultures locally and globally
  • We facilitate the participation in cross-cultural ministry of those whom God is calling

If you would like to read more detail about the biblical basis for what we believe you can read more here.

Core values

We are a gospel community that is:

Committed to Biblical Truth 

Dependent on God 

People of Prayer 



Concerned about Human Needs 

A Christ-like Community 

A Learning, Growing Community 

Strengthened through Diversity 

Responsive to Our Times 

Statement of Faith

Everyone who serves with Serving In Mission is committed to the essential truths of biblical Christianity.

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