A message from Ukraine

SIM For Freedom Sarah Scott-Webb recently returned from two weeks in Sarajevo, Bosnia, where she met Ukrainian church and denominational leaders. Here is her account of that visit:

Our conversations were raw, intense and often emotional… tears were shed on both sides many times.

I returned reflecting on these conversations, and several key things that were repeated over and over again. One is that all the Ukrainians spoke of this being a spiritual war, not merely a physical one.

They are convinced that God is using them as David to bring down Goliath; that he is using Ukraine to bring light into the darkness of the Russian nation; and that through this war, the oppression and darkness that holds Russia captive will be broken and that God’s kingdom, peace, truth and light will come to Russia.

As I listened, it felt like I was hearing the Old Testament come to life. They told stories of miracle after miracle:

  • Of storms coming off the coast of Odessa that were so strong the Russian navy couldn’t land.
  • Of strong winds blowing Russian parachutists into the Black Sea.
  • Of strange swarms of bees attacking the Russian army as they tried to invade a town near Kherson.
  • Of rockets and missiles landing beside families, in churches, and in preschools and not exploding.

After the Ukrainian army drove the Russians out of Kyiv, two Ukrainian generals went on national TV and said, “We don’t know how that happened — our army wasn’t big enough to do that — that was the Lord’s army not ours that drove the Russian army out!”

These testimonies and miracles are giving the Ukrainian people strength​ to keep going, because every day they are seeing the hand of God at work.

But in the midst of this, is the reality that the battle is taking a huge toll on the church. Ukrainian pastors are struggling; they are burnt out and exhausted.

The pressure on them to remain and to provide constant encouragement and help is overwhelming and they desperately need time out to recharge and receive care and support.

In many towns and villages, the church has been the only place still there to give help and support.*

Pastors who have stayed in Ukraine feel incredible pressure to do so, because if they leave, who else will care for the people? They fear for the safety of their families and are exhausted and totally overwhelmed, yet another leader spoke of churches in western Ukraine seeing 60-70% of new believers from refugees from the east.

There is no doubt that God is moving in a very powerful way in Ukraine, but the physical reality is horrific. The conditions in Ukraine are far worse than anything we see in our media coverage. The concern for survival over the coming months of winter is huge.

Winter in Ukraine is cold; they have no power, no heat, no way of keeping warm; there are very real fears that thousands will die from cold.

I sat beside Ivan at lunch one day. He is the president of a seminary in Bucha that was bombed and looted, and he witnessed many atrocities being committed.

He said to me, “I can’t believe you have come to be here.” I replied, “Ivan, many people in our country care deeply about what is happening here and many, many people are praying for you.”

He was silent for a moment and got emotional as he said, “It is this that gives us hope to keep going. We feel the prayers of the nations, and we are so humbled that people as far away as your country are praying for us. We have been humbled by the radical compassion of Christians around the world who don’t even know us, yet pray for us.

“Please tell the Christians in your country thank you. And please keep praying because we feel it — you are carrying us.”

By Sarah Scott-Webb

For Freedom is responsible for coordinating SIM’s anti-trafficking response globally. For Freedom provides training, support and strategic guidance to SIM teams, workers, partner ministries and local churches involved in anti-trafficking work

*Sarah is working closely with colleagues in the European Freedom Network (EFN) and the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) to look at how we can provide respite and pastoral care for pastors and church leaders, so they in turn, can continue to care for their people.

Please pray

  • For the establishment of a just and stable peace in Ukraine.
  • For the trauma taskforce as it seeks to support Ukrainian church leaders with appropriate trauma care.
  • For a mild winter; that we will not see people dying of the cold.

This was posted on 10 January 2023 in Ministry stories.
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