There are 7,280 people groups who are currently classed as unreached, that’s 3.4 billion people who will live and die without hearing the gospel.

As Jesus demonstrated his love for us we must respond and carry his message of forgiveness to every tribe and nation.

Opportunities to serve God

Serving in Mission have mission workers in 70 countries around the world working in multinational teams. There are hundreds of opportunities for you to use your gifts, skills and resources to serve, you could be the person that a team has been praying for to come and help them futher the advance of God’s kingdom.

Where could God be calling you?

  • Faithful Witness – Global Project

    Through Faithful Witness, SIM works with partner organisations and recruits from churches across the globe, to share the good news in difficult places and where there is little or no Christian witness.

  • Faithful Witness – Thailand

    Ayutthaya, Thailand

    A team of workers are sharing the gospel in the city of Ayutthaya in Thailand

  • Partnering with a UK church

    Working with a local church, we serve the community by sharing the gospel and offering hope and activities that empower individuals.

  • Give thanks for radio broadcasts

    Give thanks for Christian radio broadcasts that are impacting lives for Christ. Pray as hearts are challenged that people will be brought into contact with…

  • Pray for the Lord’s provision

    A mission family is following God’s call to join the team in South Sudan to set up a base in the capital. This will double…

  • Give thanks for teachers!

    Thank you for praying for teachers for a mission school cooperative in Liberia. God has provided three of the four teachers required! Pray on for…

Stories of God at work


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Workers / Staff / Volunteers


Get involved

Fundraising / Come to events / etc.